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St. Paul United Methodist Church

130 Years and Still Growing

Capital Campaign

Franklin Street House Purchase

Wesley Hall Improvements




St. Paul on giving...

"Each of your should  give what you have decided inyour heart to give, not reluctantly or under complusion, for God loves a cheerful giver...You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous always and...your generosity will result in giving thanks to God."


II Corinthians 9:7, 11

The focus of this capital campaign is obtaining Spiriutal Growth and Commitment- not simply "raising money."


The campaign objectives are being communicated openly, honestly, clearly, and consistently. Please contact any member of the coomittee listed in this brochure with questions, comments or concerns.


The campaign duration will be five weeks beginning the weekend of 9/27/15 with a combined Service and Potluck Lunch, ending with Victory Sunday Joint Service on 11/1/15.


You will be receiving a commitment card requesting your pledge amount and paycheck period. Your prayerful consideration is of the utmost importance to this campaign and the future growth of St. Paul United Methodist Church.

Capital Campaign Purpose:


  • To repay the financing obtained for the purchase of Franklin Street House., which will provide much needed space for programming such as:

  • Sunday School rooms

  • Youth Ministry space

  • Location for new and explanding programs

  • Space for ministry to external organizations and groups


  • To Modernize Wesley Hall and the attached kitchen, including:

  • Kitchen upgrades, such as a new commercial sink, additional electrical outlets, and enhanced amenities.

  • Improved audio and video capabilities, such as flat panel monitors, mounted speakers, hidden wires/cords, and a new digital mixer.

  • Carpentry work to provide a movable drum riser, rolling computer desk, and more efficient closet space.

  • New floor covering, to repalce the 23 - year old carpet

  • New stackable and self-ganging chairs, to replace the 23 year old chairs.


Estimated Costs:


Franklin Street house



Wesley Hall




Kitchen upgrade ....$5,000

Mounted LED Monitors.... $23,000

New Mounted Speakers....$22,000

Wiring Infrastructure .... $27,000

Digital Mixing Console, Microphones and Mixers ..... $28,000

Movable Drum Risers .... $2,000

Rolling Computer Desk .... $2,000

New Closet and Shelving ..... $11,000

Durable and Long- Lasting Vinyl Tile Floor Planks .... $16,000

200 CII Celebration Chairs ....$10,000


Wesley Hall & Franklin Street

Contingency ....$34,000





Dedication Service for Wesley Hall

Frankin Street Hall

Purchased in 2014

A Dynamic Church of Growing Christians....


One of the best ways to exhibit that we are a dynamic church is to celebrate our past, embrace our present, and prepare for our future.  St. Paul United Methodist Church is positioned for continual growth rooted in the fundamentals of community, family, fellowship and praiseful worship.


Now is a growing season for St. Paul United Methodist Church as we take this bold step of faith in the physical form of our Franklin Street House Purchase and Wesley Hall Improvements.


Through God's love for us we are confident He will provide for us. Through His work in each of our members, all things are possible. Please pray for this capital campsign, and ask God what you can do to make these projects a reality for our church. Let us strengthen our faith and become Christ-like by living in faithful commitment, sacrificial love, and generous giving. 

Wesley Hall Renovation:

Information & Images


The primary purpose of the Wesley Hall renovation is to:


1. Make Wesley Hall as flexible as possible for multiple uses

2. Integrate A/V technology to be aesthetically pleasing and “invisible”


The renovation project includes:

·         New 80” LCD flat screen monitors for use in worship and other classes, sessions, and gatherings in Wesley Hall

·         New built-in cabinets to facilitate A/V equipment and instrument connections

·         Integrated wired and wireless technology to minimize visible cables and A/V equipment

·         Portable drum platform to facilitate storage when required

·         New carpet

·         New chairs

Click here to see our Capital Campaign digital brochure & power point presentation.

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